Great to be home

Callie’s been home from the hospital for a week, and we’re grateful to have a more normal life for her and the rest of our family again.

In the past week we’ve settled into a plan for Callie’s nutrition.

While she’s asleep we’re using her new G-tube to give her calorie-rich formula and fluids. While she’s awake she eats and drinks small amounts orally, based on her appetite.

She is not yet getting the calories she needs, but we’re slowly increasing the volume in her tube feedings based on how well she tolerates them.

We’re taking this process a lot more slowly than we did in the hospital, where tube feeding was making Callie miserable.

It’s been great to have Callie back home. She was very excited to be back in preschool this week, and we hope to have her back in physical therapy as soon as possible.

We’re planning to get back on track with thank you notes, too. But for now we’d like to thank everyone who has offered thoughts, prayers, money, food, cards, notes, child care, toys and other kinds of support. You’ve all helped keep us going through the past month.

10 thoughts on “Great to be home

  1. chasity

    awww im so happy to nowthat your daughter is at home so happy that she is on the right track god bless….

  2. Dolly Hunt

    Hi Nathan,
    just wanted you to know that I have been praying for all of you… I admire your courage and strength and pray for God to carry you when you feel what is happening is overwhelming.

  3. Pam Evatt

    I heard about your family’s journey from Collins at work. So glad your family is back together at home! My thoughts and prayers are with you always!!!

  4. Bob Drake

    So great to hear Callie is back a preschool, that’s wonderful that she’s happy about that. And great to hear that the Gtube is going well, maybe slower but I think you’re right about that if it caused her such discomfort in the hospital….just so great to hear of this improvement. Know you are loved and thought about all the time here.

  5. Tommy and Phyllis Owen

    We are so happy that Callie is home and doing well. There is no place like home. Today why don’t you try to just enjoy home and the normal things in life that we take for granted. Enjoy all the little things the family does. God has truly blessed all of us. May you rest in HIS LOVE today.
    Tommy & Phyllis Owen

  6. Debbie Hudgens

    Happy for all. Be sure, I know you are overwhelmed with trying to thank everyone, so I will take this as my thank you note. Love you all.

  7. Donna S. Chase

    Your FPC colleagues and church family continue to hold you and the family in love and prayers.

  8. Jill Willis

    So wonderful to see your family again and Callie looks so good!

    None of us needs you to write thank you notes Nathan…..spend your time doing more wonderful things with your family!
    Love, Jill

  9. Lori Travers

    So glad to hear that your angel is home!
    May your joy increase, your faith be strengthened, your love abound, and your trust secure. HE is trustworthy and good all the time. One day we will see with unveiled faces clearly and understand the “why’s” of these trials. For now, our faith must be enough to trust in the One who gave His life for us…just to prove HIS love!
    Keep listening for HIS voice guiding you in every step you take and every decision you make.
    In His love,

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