Callie’s life with a G-tube

Life with a G-tube has been going well for Callie since she returned from the hospital a few weeks ago. Now that she’s getting more calories we have noticed a big difference in her energy level and her attitude.

She has been talking more, and she enjoys typical 2-year-old games such as peekaboo. She also throws typical 2-year-old fits.

Callie loves preschool and she has re-started her weekly physical therapy session. We’re working to re-start her aquatic therapy within the next few weeks.

This past Tuesday Callie saw her pulmonologist and her surgeon at Duke. The pulmonologist was pleased with Callie’s lung function tests, and we’ll soon be collecting data about her oxygen levels at home.

Callie’s surgeon was also happy with how she is healing. She is having a minor skin reaction to having the feeding tube present. The surgeon prescribed a topical medication to help with that. We’ll have to take Callie back in the next 4 to 6 months so the surgeon can change her feeding tube, a routine procedure that does not require sedation. Callie will continue to need her tube changed and adjusted throughout her life as she grows.

We’re hoping to attend the annual FightSMA conference in Washington, D.C., this spring, where Callie’s pulmonologist will be on the doctors’ panel. At last year’s conference we learned a lot about SMA and ongoing research to find a treatment or a cure.

Thank you for reading our updates and for your interest in Callie’s condition.


4 thoughts on “Callie’s life with a G-tube

  1. Deborah Hudgens

    We are so thankful that things are going well for all. Think about you daily. Take care. Debbie

  2. linda mead

    Thanking God for all of you and your willingness to share Callie’s life and your plans to keep up to date on
    SMA. You are an inspiration and a powerful witness to all of us who have healthy children. Thank you also for allowing us the privilege to pray for you all.
    To God be the praise and glory.

  3. Suzie B.

    I am so happy things are looking a little brigher for Miss Callie….

    Christy if you & Nathan would like me to attend a water therapy session with Callie. PLEASE let me know.. I would LOVE to photograph her progress/therapy…. if you would like some photos to post during those times… plus Christy we could go to lunch afterwards!

    SO glad Callie is adjusting well…


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