Still concerned

Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and prayers in response to our last post.

Callie is still not feeling very well. Managing her secretions has been a constant battle over the past few days. We’re grateful to have medical equipment at home for this purpose.

But to win this battle with allergies or whatever it is that’s causing so much trouble, we’re starting to think Callie will need more help than we can give her at home. We’ll be checking in with her primary care physician Monday to see what he thinks.

Good news includes that she hasn’t had much of a fever and that her oxygen saturation level hasn’t dipped to dangerous levels. We’re still hoping to get Callie past this trouble without needing a hospital visit. But, of course, we’ll do whatever is best for her.

Thanks, again, for reading our updates. We’ll post again within a few days or as things change.

5 thoughts on “Still concerned

  1. Bob Drake

    This season has been the worse for so many people with allergies. Know our prayers are with you each day and at night, praying for your strength as well as Callie’s to fight whatever this is, and hoping it will end without the hospital visit. But knowing God will provide you with His Love and Comfort and will lead you to whatever decision needs to be made for Callie’s health. We think about all of you all the time…..know your “Ware Shoals Family” is always in prayer for strength and recovery during this difficult time….lov you guys!

  2. Donna S. Chase

    Prayers for Callie and the family. May God give you strength and discernment.

  3. Suzie B.

    Christie….. if there is anything I can do then PLEASE let me know… I am off work next weekend… if you need help.. don’t hesitate to ask… just e-mail me…

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