Spaghetti Success!

Our spaghetti fundraiser tonight was fantastic! Over 200 people attended. We can’t wait to get the final numbers to report.

This was all possible because of our church, First United Methodist in High Point. The church provided the meal so all proceeds from the dinner could go to research. And several church members volunteered in the nursery so parents could attend the program after the meal.

Angela Guy, Callie’s preschool teacher, was the organizer in chief. She made sure the dining room was beautiful — decorated with table cloths, centerpieces about SMA, balloons and pictures of Callie. She also made sure everything went off without a hitch, which it did.

Kim Myers and her team cooked spaghetti all afternoon and made sure the meal was delicious and pleasant for everyone. Countless people set up the dining hall, dished out salad and dessert, served spaghetti, made sure people had ice in their cups and cleaned up after the entire event.

And a special thanks to Dr. Anderson, Callie’s pediatrician, who volunteered his time and expertise to educate us all about SMA.

We’re honored so many people made time to support this cause. Because of them, we’re closer to a cure than we were yesterday.

6 thoughts on “Spaghetti Success!

  1. Angela Guy

    It was such a great night. Thank you for the accolades, but, truly, it was a pleasure and an honor to be a part of such a magical night. I am so blessed that Callie is part of our class, and that your family is part of our church family.

    Thank you for sharing your story so openly, honestly, and with the wonderful outlook that you have. Your family and faith is an inspiration.

    We love you!

  2. Mary Ellen Stuart

    What a wonderful thing for a church family to do!! As Christy”s grandmother in Florida, I want to say A GREAT BIG THANK YOU.

  3. Fran Moran

    Two things I want to share… First is a comment I made to Nathan tonight. I said, “Callie is very blessed,as are Peter and Ezra and Isaac, because they have you for parents.” Thank you so much for sharing of yourselves so intimately, giving your church family a way to love and support you and learn how to make a difference in the lives of all those who deal with SMA.. The other thing is – I LOVED sitting with Callie’s great grandparents, Jack and Dot! What special people. Thanks for sharing them with us too!
    P.S. Please share the information on how to write our Congress Representatives to change legislation.

  4. linda mead

    I am not at all surprised that the Fellowship Hall was filled with people who know Nathan, Christy, Isaac, Ezra, Peter and Callie Golden. I knew soon after meeting Nathan that he was a very special father. I remember seeing him at Wonderful Wednesday years ago holding baby Peter and I could see perfect love radiate in his eyes as he looked down at his son. I was blessed to witness that moment. I knew Christy was a very special mother seeing her come alone with three children and pregnant with Callie to Wonderful Wednesday so that the older boys could be a part of the choir, coming to visit me in the hospital when she had other more important responsibilities at home, always smiling and disciplining her children in a firm but kind way. They are a special family and we are blessed to witness this beautiful family live each day fully, boldly, passionately, loving each other, being an example to the rest of us.

  5. Ginny Reetz

    Thank you for so eloquently telling us about Callie’s journey tonight after the SMA spaghetti fundraiser at First United Methodist. Dr. Anderson was not only informative, but his passion for his littlest patients was so apparent. Whether you know it or not, you and Nathan are role models for all of us struggling with diversity in our lives. You lead by your grace, determination and strength of character. God bless you in your journey.

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