Out of surgery

Callie’s surgery today went well. She is now in pediatric intensive care recovering from the procedures. She is breathing on her own, with help from her bipap machine as needed. She’ll spend one night in ICU, then will go back to a regular hospital room tomorrow if things go as planned.

I carried Callie into the operating room and held her until she fell asleep. After the anesthesiologist released the medicine through her IV, Callie said, “Night night,” and went to sleep.

The surgery took longer than we expected, mainly because the surgeon discovered inflammation in Callie’s lower esophagus that was the result of reflux. He said it was really good that we opted for the Nissen procedure, which is designed to limit reflux, along with the G-tube, which was the primary reason for today’s surgery.

Her G-tube is in place and already has been used to give her pain medicine. Christy and I will post more updates as things change.

24 thoughts on “Out of surgery

  1. Bob Drake

    So great to hear about the successful surgery and know this will allow Callie to grow stronger with the nutrition she can get with this process. Things sound encouraging and know we were anxious yesterday morning around 10:30 with you……continuing our prayers for Callie and you & Christie…hoping you both are getting some rest inbetween all that’s going on…praying for your strength during this difficult and long period. Know we are thinking about all of you.

  2. Schvonne Ivery

    Glad to hear that the surgery went well. I was thinking about you guys all day yesterday, but had already put my prayer request in. Nathan & Christy continue to stay strong.

  3. Katherine

    So glad to hear that the surgery went well! I will continue to keep all of you in my prayers. Tell Callie Hi for me.

  4. Shelley

    My 6th grade girl’s PE/Health class was studying about body systems the day of Callie’s surgery. I showed them Callie’s Website and used it for a lesson. The girl’s circled up and prayed for Callie during class while she was in surgery.

  5. Beverly Crotts

    Praise the Lord! My loving thoughts and prayers are with all of you. God can perform miracles and that is my prayer for precious little Callie.
    Know how much I care and pray for Callie’s recovery.
    Much love,
    Beverly Crotts

  6. Yvette Plake

    I am praying for your family and that precious baby Callie! I pray that God will continue to guide the Drs. As they continue to help Callie! Love to all!

  7. Nancy Culbertson

    We are so thankful the surgery went well.
    All of you are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.
    God bless!
    Nancy Culbertson and family

  8. Faye Whitesides

    Praises! I’ve thought about you guys and prayed all during the day.Hallelujah! Love Faye W

  9. linda mead

    Nathan and Christy,you are an example to all of us of what God intends mothers and fathers to be and to do. I have seen the love you have for all your children, each other and for your church family. Even though you are suffering now you continue to bring glory to God. You are light in the darkness and I thank and praise God for you and your family every day.

  10. Donna S. Chase

    So glad to hear all went well today and that the surgery was the right decision.Will pray for God’s strength and rest for all of you.

  11. steven lerch

    Praise the Lord for answered prayer great news Mrs pam and prayed this morning at the preschool thank you for the updates keeping you and christy in prayer

  12. Patricia

    hi umm u dont know me but i got to know about ur daughter by ms. Ross and i am seriously sorry! she will always be in my prayers as well as yall! im glad everything went well today! take care

  13. Mrs. Myers

    Way to go Callie….we all knew that you could do it!God has heard our prayers. We miss you so much at preschool and send you bags full of hugs and kisses!
    We LOVE you!

  14. Kristy Bateson

    I have been thinking about you all throughout the day and praying for you. I am glad to hear that everything went well with the surgery. Sending you all my love and prayers.

  15. Jean Crawford

    I am so happy to hear the surgery went well. I pray that her recovery will be fast and that you will all soon be at home where she belongs.

  16. Cynthia Brewer

    All God’s Children Preschool staff and students continue to keep Callie in our prayers. Each Wednesday as our preschoolers go to Chapel, Callie is lifted in prayer. Good to hear this news about the successful surgery!

  17. Beckye Cannon

    Grateful for the successful surgery news, Thank you again for taking precious time to keep us updates. We love your family and continue to pray for all. Thank you Lord for this family.

  18. Anne Chamblee

    Nathan – You and Christy are just so dear. It is wonderful to get your updates. You all are very close to my heart.

  19. Linda Crouse

    Praise God!!! You have been on my mind all day!! Am so glad things went well! Will continue to pray for ALL of you!

    Linda Crouse

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