Our latest trip to Duke

Callie had an appointment with her pulmonologist (lung doctor) this past Friday. Every time we visit, Callie gets several lung function tests. She’s been sick 3 times since her last visit, so we were anxious to see what the tests would show.

Her lung capacity–the amount of air they can hold–is still the same, which is a big relief. Her muscle strength (the muscles that help her breathe) was slightly weaker, but not significantly so.

Overall, her doctor is very pleased with how she’s doing. He has a slight concern about her oxygen levels dropping low when she’s sick. We’ll be sending him some data from her machine that monitors her oxygen levels at night so that he can take a closer look at what’s going on.

Thanks to our friend and neighbor, Fran, who kept the boys for us while we made the trip.

This past weekend was also special because Callie turned 2 years old! We’ll be creating a photo gallery in the next month or so and will be sure to include pictures from her birthday.

Thanks for all the prayers and support so many of you give our family.

We’ll post again soon!

3 thoughts on “Our latest trip to Duke

  1. Susan Hight

    So glad to hear overall things haven’t worsened. Hope she has a great birthday. Have you guys had a chance to check into Kids Path through Hospice?

  2. Bob Drake

    So great to hear good news on Callie’s status. Know that all of us in Ware Shoals have her and you and Nate and the boys in our prayers daily. Can’t wait to see all the pictures, especially those from her 2nd Birthday. See her picture everyday as we have the card you sent on our refrigerator, so she’s always thought about and prayed for….every single day.
    We think about you and Nate and pray for your strength along with Callie’s.
    We Love you all,
    Bob Drake & The Drake Family

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