In the hospital

Callie started feeling bad Tuesday and has continued to get worse each day despite antibiotics, extra therapy and rest.

We’d done everything we could to help her recover at home and she still was getting worse. So today we brought her to Brenner Children’s Hospital in Winston-Salem where a chest X-ray confirmed that she has pneumonia.

She will be staying in the hospital tonight and has been getting IV antibiotics. We expect to see some improvement within 24 hours. We also hope that she is able to rest, which, along with medicine, is essential to her recovery.

We’ll post another update by tomorrow night.

33 thoughts on “In the hospital

  1. Jennifer

    Sometimes we need someone to simply be there…Not to fix anything or do anything in particular, but just to let us feel we are supported and cared about.

    Don’t hesitate to lean on your support structure. Let us know if there is anything we can do to be of assistance. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with each of you. May the peace of God, which passes all understanding, be with each of you.

    Everything we do ministers,
    Jennifer Gaddy

  2. Pat Binns

    Praying for Callie and all the family. I hope that she gets her strength back real soon and returns home to be with her family.

  3. Margaret K. Bagwell

    Wellness prayers are being said for Callie tonight. May Callie’s hospital stay be brief, so she may return home to enjoy this Christmas season with her family.

  4. Ella

    Praying for your sweet girl. Asking that she will get the relief and rest to restore her body and health. So she is able to celebrate this most holy season with her brothers enjoying this time of family and fun. I love you Christy-girl and I hold you and your family up daily.

  5. Linda Bell

    Our prayers are with Callie and all of you, her family. May Our Lord bring her peace, healing and rest. Love to all, Linda

  6. Jackie Zellner

    Praying sweet Callie will get the rest her body needs and that she will be feeling much stronger by morning.

  7. Heather & Leah-Grace Alston

    Please tell Callie that Leah-Grace is praying for her get well soon. Love and unceasing prayers from the Alstons!

  8. Tee Newkirk

    Please tell our little Golden Girl I said hello, miss her, and get some rest. Will see her soon!

  9. Kristy Bateson

    Thoughts and prayers with you all. Please let us know if we can help in any way. Sending lots of love and strength your way Callie. ❤️❤️❤️

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