Getting mobile

Callie got her very own power wheelchair a few days ago. We’re still working on her driving skills.

Earlier today she wanted to go outside to play with her brothers, so we strapped her in and let her go out. One disclaimer about the video below: It’s our cat Bullet who is licking himself.

Thanks to Tim and Ginger Moore for building our new ramp; to Kristy Bateson, Callie’s physical therapist, who has worked over a year to help Callie get this chair, even though Callie ran over her toes a few times; and to Austin Elliot, our power mobility rep, who made sure the entire process went smoothly.

10 thoughts on “Getting mobile

  1. Katherine Kesslick

    Yea!!!! I am so glad to see this. You have waited so long. Looks like she is doing pretty good with her driving.

  2. Karen Goldschmidt

    Nathan and Christy, hope you have speed control on that thing! She may be going slow now, but… 🙂

  3. Deborah Hudgens

    I was smiling the entire time I was watching the video! The boys are so loving. What a precious and special family you have! Yea on the wheelchair!

  4. Jill Willis

    “Boy’s, here I come”!!!! I love that. What a beautiful spirit she has and the boys are so great!!!! Loved this video, even with the cat licking himself!

  5. Lori Travers

    Oh this is precious! She’s got so much more freedom now! I just love how her brothers want to involve her in all that they are doing. She is loved and she is one blessed little angel to be in your family! Thank you for posting! I enjoyed every minute of it!

  6. Anne Chamblee

    I meant plastered “on” my face. Such a joy to see them all having so much fun together!

  7. Anne Chamblee

    I have a smile plastered to my face. I can’t decide which one of your children is cutest!

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