Getting back home

As Callie’s overall health has improved over the past couple days, her anxiety has grown worse. Ever since we arrived at the hospital on Friday, she has asked constantly when she would be able to go back home. This morning she started begging for us to take her home. We explained to her that she’s at the hospital so she can get better, and she answered, “But I have to go home. It’s the only way I’ll get better.”

We realize that 6-year-old children can be impatient and demanding, especially when they’re in uncomfortable situations. But over the years we’ve also learned to listen to what Callie’s actions, as well as her words, are saying. It became clear that her anxiety over this hospitalization had gotten to the point that it was affecting her ability to recover.

So today, we brought Callie home. She’s certainly not well yet, but she’s in high spirits and is being her usual little self. We’ll still be dealing with challenges in getting her fully well, but we’re very hopeful.

We are very grateful for the care she received at the hospital but home is simply where she belongs.

14 thoughts on “Getting back home

  1. Fran Moran

    Christy thank you for sharing about Callie. You and Nathan are parents of courage, nurtured in you by the demanding discernment of your sweet Callie. I like reading your posts (even when they bear difficult news) because they’re heartfelt and honest and evidence of best practices when perhaps the experts of “whatever” warn you that it would be better to make conventional choices. I’m blessed by what I learn from you and your family. Have fun while Callie gets better at home. I pray you feel our support.

  2. Carol Brannon

    God certainly gave Callie the absolute best earthly parents on the planet! I can only imagine the challenges you face daily, and this decision had to be a tough one. Thankful for your wise and discerning ways. I continue to pray for Callie’s healing; and for strength, peace, and REST for all of you. ?

  3. Dan & Faye Branyon

    It does feel good to get back home after a hospital stay! We will be praying for Callie as she continues her recovery at home.

  4. Vickie Grant

    Prayers continue for Callie’s recovery. We lifted her by name at the 9:00am service today. She holds a special place in many hearts.

  5. Nanette

    Sending prayers for recovery and strength! Thank you for being so faithful to keep us updated on how to pray.

  6. Peggy Rollinson

    It’s true, there is no place like home. Prayers continue for Callie and her wonderful family.

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