Day 2

Thank you for all the prayers and concern for our family.

Callie’s doctors are confident that she has a virus and that it will run its course. She hasn’t had a fever since last night, which is definitely good news. We’re hoping that the worst has passed. However, she needs to remain in the hospital so the doctors can watch her closely and act quickly if necessary.

We’re hoping she’ll come home early next week.

In the meantime, I’m taking some of her stuffed animals and a couple of balloons to try to help keep her entertained. (Nathan informed me that the game of throwing her baby doll overboard has lost its magic.)

Again, many thanks to our friends, family and church for all of your support.

5 thoughts on “Day 2

  1. Bob Drake

    Know that we continue to pray and think of all of you, especially Callie and this hospital stay. Tell Nathan if “throwing the baby doll overboard has lost it’s magic”, look around for some rubber gloves and stretch one over his will make him look “funnier” (Ha!) and Callie will get a “kick” out of it.
    Hope you get home in a few days….
    Know you are always in our thoughts and prayers.

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