Callie is sick

This past weekend, Callie developed her 2nd or 3rd cold in a year’s time. We went to her pediatrician on Monday and he heard a little fluid in her lungs and discovered a whopping ear infection. We started her on an antibiotic and were relieved that this was something that was treatable. Between the antibiotic and her aggressive pulmonary therapy, we knew we’d have this licked in no time.

Then yesterday evening Callie’s status worsened. Today we went to the doctor again and she’s developed aspiration pneumonia. This is one of the most dangerous conditions with SMA. Since SMA affects all muscles in the body, her muscles used for swallowing are weakened as well. So food and drink can inadvertently pass into her lungs rather than into her stomach.

We’ve started her on another, stronger antibiotic and several other medications to help with respiratory function and comfort.

As always, we don’t know where this will lead. All we know right now is that we have a happy little girl who’s very sick and very loved.

22 thoughts on “Callie is sick

  1. bonnie parker

    we are praying for you during this time. May God’s presence be very real for you and His wisdom with the doctors. Hope Callie improves quickly.

  2. Bob Drake

    Know that we all in Ware Shoals are pulling for Callie during this time of sickness, and are also praying for you and Nathan, as the stress in these times is overwhelming….just know we’re thinking about you and continuing to pray, now more deligent than ever during this time with the pneumonia.
    Will bring this to the choir tonight.
    With love,
    Bob Drake & all your WS Friends

  3. lori Travers

    Dear Jesus, give relief and healing to this precious little daughter of Yours. Comfort her and comfort her family. Give the drs. wisdom as they make decisions. She is Yours so scoop her up in Your loving arms and remind her that You are with her through this journey…and please remind her parents too. Amen.
    *hugs sent*

  4. Linda Carroll

    We will pray for Callie tonight at church and I will pray for her as well. I will also pray for you that you will always feel God’s strenth in whatever you have to face.

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